Johanna R. Jantzen
On maternity leave
Email: johanna dot jantzen at gmail dot ca
Twitter: @JohannaJantzen
Johanna R. Jantzen
On maternity leave
Email: johanna dot jantzen at gmail dot ca
Twitter: @JohannaJantzen
2015 – 2020 PhD Botany
Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
Dissertation: Evolution of Neotropical Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae)
Advisors: Dr. Pamela Soltis and Dr. Douglas Soltis
2013 – 2014 MSc Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh & University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Thesis: Phylogenetic investigation into the evolution of Coelocarpum (Verbenaceae) leading to a taxonomic revision
Advisor: Dr. Alan Forrest
Graduated with distinction
2007 – 2011 BSc Biology
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
Graduated with distinction
7. Jantzen, J.R., Guimarães, P.J.F., Pederneiras, L., Oliveira, A.L.F., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2022. Phylogenomic analysis of Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae) highlights the evolutionary complexity of Neotropical savannas. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 199(1): 372-411. DOI:
6. Jantzen, J.R.*, Amarasinghe, P.*, Folk, R.A., Reginato, M., Michelangeli, F.A., Soltis, D.E., Cellinese, N., and Soltis, P.S. 2020. A two-tier bioinformatic pipeline to develop probes for target capture of nuclear loci with applications in Melastomataceae. Applications in Plant Sciences. e11345.
5. Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, M.W., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2019. Effects of taxon sampling and tree reconstruction methods on phylodiversity metrics. Ecology and Evolution 9(17): 9479-9499. DOI:
4. Allen, G.A., McCormick, L.J., Jantzen, J.R., Marr, K.L., and Brown, B.N. 2017. Distributional and morphological differences between native and introduced Common Reed (Phragmites australis, Poaceae) in Western Canada. Wetlands 110: 1-9. DOI:
3. Sutherland, B.J.G., Poley, J.D., Igboeli, O.O., Jantzen, J.R., Fast, M.D., Koop, B.F., and Jones, S.R.M. 2015. Transcriptomic responses to emamectin benzoate in Pacific and Atlantic Canada salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis with differing levels of drug resistance. Evolutionary Applications 8(2): 133-148. DOI:
2. Rondeau, E.B., Minkley, D.R., Leong, J.S., Messmer, A.M., Jantzen, J.R., Von Schalburg, K.R., Lemon, C., Bird, N.H., and Koop, B.F. 2014. The genome and linkage map of the Northern Pike (Esox lucius): Conserved synteny revealed between the Salmonid sister group and the Neoteleostei. PLoSOne 9(7): e102089. DOI:
1. Sutherland, B.J.G., Hanson, K.C., Jantzen, J.R., Koop, B.F., and Smith, C.T. 2014. Divergent immunity and energetic programs in the gills of migratory and resident Oncorhynchus mykiss. Molecular Ecology 23(8): 1952-1964. DOI:
Google scholar
*co-first authors
7. Jantzen, J.R., Guimarães, P.J.F., Pederneiras, L., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. Phylogenomic analysis of Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae) highlights the evolutionary complexity of Neotropical savannas.
8. Freitas Oliveira, A.L., de Jesus Rocha, K.C., Rodrigues, J.L., Jantzen, J.R., and Viana, P.L. Tibouchina carajensis (Melastomataceae), a new species endemic to the Serra dos Carajás in the Brazilian Amazon.
Grants Total: $14,980
2019 Society of Herbarium Curators, Student Research Award ($500)
2019 Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, NHCCN Travel Grant (~$750)
2016-2019 American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Student Travel Grant ($335)
2018 American Philosophical Society, Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research ($5,000)
2018 University of Florida Biology Graduate Student Association Michael May Grant ($300)
2017 Botanical Society of America, Graduate Student Research Award ($500)
2017 Florida Museum of Natural History Department of Natural History Travel Award ($1,000)
2017 International Association for Plant Taxonomy, Research Grant ($1,000)
2017 Society for the Study of Evolution, Rosemary Grant Graduate Student Research Award ($2,340)
2016 Society of Systematic Biologists, Graduate Student Research Award ($1,500)
2016 American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Graduate Research Award ($750)
2016-2019 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada
Postgraduate Scholarship – Doctoral ($63,000 over 3 years)
2015-2016/ University of Florida, Graduate Student Fellowship ($25,000/year for 4 years)
2020 UF Department of Biology Graduate Student Service Award
2019 UF International Center Certificate of Excellence
2014 Top Student Award, MSc Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Plants
2013 Scotland Saltire Scholarship
2013 University of Edinburgh School of Biological Sciences Bursary Award
2010 UVic Melburn-Brenton Scholarship
2007-2010 UVic Renewable Excellence Scholarship
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Guimarães, P.J.F., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2020. Polyploidy complicates resolution of evolutionary relationships in Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Colloquium: Exploring the utility and limits of target enrichment methods to study polyploidy and reticulate evolution. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America (virtual).
Jantzen, J.R., de Souza Cortez, M.B., Nogales da Costa Vasconcelos, T., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2020. Plant life in Neotropical rocky outcrops. Colloquium: Plant life in Neotropical rocky outcrops. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America (virtual).
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2020. Investigating geographic drivers of diversification in Neotropical Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Presented at the Humboldt Symposium, UF Biodiversity Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Feb 28, 2020.
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2019. Using a phylogenomic approach to resolve the systematics and taxonomy of Tibouchina s.s. Presented at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, MG, Brazil, Oct 31, 2019.
Jantzen, J.R., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2019. The role of xylopodia in the evolution of Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Colloquium: Time to dig: the importance of underground storage organs in plant evolution. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, W.M., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2018. Alternative taxon sampling and tree reconstruction strategies can affect patterns of phylogenetic diversity: Evidence from the Ordway-Swisher Biological Station. Symposium: Collaborations in Biodiversity Research, May 7, 2018.
Oral Presentations
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2019. Using a phylogenomic approach to resolve the systematics and taxonomy of Tibouchina s.s. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, W.M., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2018. Alternative taxon sampling and tree reconstruction strategies can affect patterns of phylogenetic diversity: Evidence from a case study in Florida. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, W.M., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2017. Patterns of phylogenetic diversity based on alternative taxonomic sampling and tree reconstruction strategies: a case study from Florida. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, W.M., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2016. The effects of taxonomic and spatial scale on measures of phylogenetic diversity using a test case in Florida. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Poster Presentations
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2020. Biogeography of Tibouchina s.s.: identifying the origins of cerrado and campos rupestres plant diversity. Presented at the fourth Society of Systematic Biologists standalone meeting.
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2019. Biogeography of Tibouchina s.s.: identifying the origins of cerrado and campos rupestres plant diversity. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Amarasinghe, P., Jantzen, J., Folk, R., Soltis, D., Soltis, P., Cellinese, N. 2019. Developing a new bioinformatics pipeline to capture low-copy nuclear loci for two distant clades of Melastomataceae. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2018. Niche divergence among Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections.
Amarasinghe, P., Jantzen, J., Soltis, D., Soltis, P., and Cellinese, N. 2018. Developing tools to capture loci of two distant clades of Melastomataceae. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2018. Niche divergence among Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jan-Apr 2020 Teaching Assistant – Biology Department, University of Florida
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience: Plants on the Tree of Life
2019 Principles of Effective Instruction Certificate
5 Modules: Aligning Assessments to Objectives, Applying Educational Theory, Effective Feedback, Flexible Assessments, Recognize and Respond to At-Risk Students
Jan-Apr 2016 Teaching Assistant – Biology Department, University of Florida
Integrated Principles of Biology Lab 2
2020 “Plant life in Neotropical rocky outcrops”: Colloquium at Annual Botanical Society of
America conference (co-organized with M.B. de Souza Cortez)
“Using Digitized Herbarium Data in Research: A Crash Course”: iDigBio/BiotaPhy workshop presented at Annual Botanical Society of America conferences
2017 + 2018 Developed and presented “Community Phylogenetics” Module
2016 Assisted with workshop presentation and activities
2019 Learn – Discover – Lead Seminar Series Certificate (University of Florida, Office of Human Resource Services)
4 Modules: Project Management, Team Dynamics and Leading Teams, Effective Science Communication in the Internet Age, The Art (and Science) of Writing Effective Multiple Choice Questions
2018 “How to prepare your data for publication, and what to do with open data”
Presented by Canadensys and iDigBio in Vancouver, Canada (Nov 7-9)
Academic Service
2020 Reviewer for Diversity and Distributions, Applications in Plant Sciences
Departmental Service
2019-2020 Founding member of FLMNH Natural History Collections Club and Student Group
2019-2020 Biology Graduate Student Association: President
2019-2020 Graduate representative on Mentorship Committee
2018-2020 Established and coordinated BGSA Writing Group
2018-2020 Member of BGSA Mental Health Committee
2018-2019 Biology Graduate Student Association: Vice-President
2017-2018 Biology Graduate Student Association: Faculty Recruitment Coordinator
2016-2017 Biology Graduate Student Association: Seminar Committee Member
Society Service
2019-2020 ASPT Collections Committee – Student Representative
2019-2020 Member of organizing committee for SSB2020
2019 Contributor to BSA Student Newsletter
Community Outreach
2017-2019 Girls Who Code Club, Facilitator – Eastside High School, Gainesville, FL
Instructor for local high school club which meets once a week
2018 WeDigBio volunteer – Florida Museum, Gainesville, FL
Demonstrated and supervised public participation in Notes from Nature activity
2017, 2018 She’s a Scientist outreach event – Florida Museum, Gainesville, FL
Event for Girl Scouts: assisted girls with plant- and evolution-based activities
2016-2020 American Society of Plant Taxonomists
2016-2020 Botanical Society of America
2019-2020 Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
2017-2020 Torrey Botanical Society
2017-2020 Society of Herbarium Curators
2017-2020 International Association for Plant Taxonomy
2017-2020 Society for the Study of Evolution
2016, 2019-2020 Society of Systematic Biologists
2015 – 2020 PhD Botany
Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
Dissertation: Evolution of Neotropical Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae)
Advisors: Dr. Pamela Soltis and Dr. Douglas Soltis
2013 – 2014 MSc Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh & University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Thesis: Phylogenetic investigation into the evolution of Coelocarpum (Verbenaceae) leading to a taxonomic revision
Advisor: Dr. Alan Forrest
Graduated with distinction
2007 – 2011 BSc Biology
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
Graduated with distinction
7. Jantzen, J.R., Guimarães, P.J.F., Pederneiras, L., Oliveira, A.L.F., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2022. Phylogenomic analysis of Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae) highlights the evolutionary complexity of Neotropical savannas. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 199(1): 372-411. DOI:
6. Jantzen, J.R.*, Amarasinghe, P.*, Folk, R.A., Reginato, M., Michelangeli, F.A., Soltis, D.E., Cellinese, N., and Soltis, P.S. 2020. A two-tier bioinformatic pipeline to develop probes for target capture of nuclear loci with applications in Melastomataceae. Applications in Plant Sciences. e11345.
5. Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, M.W., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2019. Effects of taxon sampling and tree reconstruction methods on phylodiversity metrics. Ecology and Evolution 9(17): 9479-9499. DOI:
4. Allen, G.A., McCormick, L.J., Jantzen, J.R., Marr, K.L., and Brown, B.N. 2017. Distributional and morphological differences between native and introduced Common Reed (Phragmites australis, Poaceae) in Western Canada. Wetlands 110: 1-9. DOI:
3. Sutherland, B.J.G., Poley, J.D., Igboeli, O.O., Jantzen, J.R., Fast, M.D., Koop, B.F., and Jones, S.R.M. 2015. Transcriptomic responses to emamectin benzoate in Pacific and Atlantic Canada salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis with differing levels of drug resistance. Evolutionary Applications 8(2): 133-148. DOI:
2. Rondeau, E.B., Minkley, D.R., Leong, J.S., Messmer, A.M., Jantzen, J.R., Von Schalburg, K.R., Lemon, C., Bird, N.H., and Koop, B.F. 2014. The genome and linkage map of the Northern Pike (Esox lucius): Conserved synteny revealed between the Salmonid sister group and the Neoteleostei. PLoSOne 9(7): e102089. DOI:
1. Sutherland, B.J.G., Hanson, K.C., Jantzen, J.R., Koop, B.F., and Smith, C.T. 2014. Divergent immunity and energetic programs in the gills of migratory and resident Oncorhynchus mykiss. Molecular Ecology 23(8): 1952-1964. DOI:
Google scholar
*co-first authors
7. Jantzen, J.R., Guimarães, P.J.F., Pederneiras, L., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. Phylogenomic analysis of Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae) highlights the evolutionary complexity of Neotropical savannas.
8. Freitas Oliveira, A.L., de Jesus Rocha, K.C., Rodrigues, J.L., Jantzen, J.R., and Viana, P.L. Tibouchina carajensis (Melastomataceae), a new species endemic to the Serra dos Carajás in the Brazilian Amazon.
Grants Total: $14,980
2019 Society of Herbarium Curators, Student Research Award ($500)
2019 Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, NHCCN Travel Grant (~$750)
2016-2019 American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Student Travel Grant ($335)
2018 American Philosophical Society, Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research ($5,000)
2018 University of Florida Biology Graduate Student Association Michael May Grant ($300)
2017 Botanical Society of America, Graduate Student Research Award ($500)
2017 Florida Museum of Natural History Department of Natural History Travel Award ($1,000)
2017 International Association for Plant Taxonomy, Research Grant ($1,000)
2017 Society for the Study of Evolution, Rosemary Grant Graduate Student Research Award ($2,340)
2016 Society of Systematic Biologists, Graduate Student Research Award ($1,500)
2016 American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Graduate Research Award ($750)
2016-2019 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada
Postgraduate Scholarship – Doctoral ($63,000 over 3 years)
2015-2016/ University of Florida, Graduate Student Fellowship ($25,000/year for 4 years)
2020 UF Department of Biology Graduate Student Service Award
2019 UF International Center Certificate of Excellence
2014 Top Student Award, MSc Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Plants
2013 Scotland Saltire Scholarship
2013 University of Edinburgh School of Biological Sciences Bursary Award
2010 UVic Melburn-Brenton Scholarship
2007-2010 UVic Renewable Excellence Scholarship
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Guimarães, P.J.F., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2020. Polyploidy complicates resolution of evolutionary relationships in Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Colloquium: Exploring the utility and limits of target enrichment methods to study polyploidy and reticulate evolution. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America (virtual).
Jantzen, J.R., de Souza Cortez, M.B., Nogales da Costa Vasconcelos, T., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2020. Plant life in Neotropical rocky outcrops. Colloquium: Plant life in Neotropical rocky outcrops. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America (virtual).
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2020. Investigating geographic drivers of diversification in Neotropical Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Presented at the Humboldt Symposium, UF Biodiversity Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Feb 28, 2020.
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2019. Using a phylogenomic approach to resolve the systematics and taxonomy of Tibouchina s.s. Presented at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, MG, Brazil, Oct 31, 2019.
Jantzen, J.R., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2019. The role of xylopodia in the evolution of Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Colloquium: Time to dig: the importance of underground storage organs in plant evolution. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, W.M., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2018. Alternative taxon sampling and tree reconstruction strategies can affect patterns of phylogenetic diversity: Evidence from the Ordway-Swisher Biological Station. Symposium: Collaborations in Biodiversity Research, May 7, 2018.
Oral Presentations
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2019. Using a phylogenomic approach to resolve the systematics and taxonomy of Tibouchina s.s. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, W.M., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2018. Alternative taxon sampling and tree reconstruction strategies can affect patterns of phylogenetic diversity: Evidence from a case study in Florida. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, W.M., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2017. Patterns of phylogenetic diversity based on alternative taxonomic sampling and tree reconstruction strategies: a case study from Florida. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J.R., Whitten, W.M., Neubig, K.M., Majure, L.C., Soltis, D.E., and Soltis, P.S. 2016. The effects of taxonomic and spatial scale on measures of phylogenetic diversity using a test case in Florida. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Poster Presentations
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2020. Biogeography of Tibouchina s.s.: identifying the origins of cerrado and campos rupestres plant diversity. Presented at the fourth Society of Systematic Biologists standalone meeting.
Jantzen, J.R., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2019. Biogeography of Tibouchina s.s.: identifying the origins of cerrado and campos rupestres plant diversity. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Amarasinghe, P., Jantzen, J., Folk, R., Soltis, D., Soltis, P., Cellinese, N. 2019. Developing a new bioinformatics pipeline to capture low-copy nuclear loci for two distant clades of Melastomataceae. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2018. Niche divergence among Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections.
Amarasinghe, P., Jantzen, J., Soltis, D., Soltis, P., and Cellinese, N. 2018. Developing tools to capture loci of two distant clades of Melastomataceae. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jantzen, J., Freitas Oliveira, A.L., Soltis, D., and Soltis, P. 2018. Niche divergence among Tibouchina s.s. (Melastomataceae). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America.
Jan-Apr 2020 Teaching Assistant – Biology Department, University of Florida
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience: Plants on the Tree of Life
2019 Principles of Effective Instruction Certificate
5 Modules: Aligning Assessments to Objectives, Applying Educational Theory, Effective Feedback, Flexible Assessments, Recognize and Respond to At-Risk Students
Jan-Apr 2016 Teaching Assistant – Biology Department, University of Florida
Integrated Principles of Biology Lab 2
2020 “Plant life in Neotropical rocky outcrops”: Colloquium at Annual Botanical Society of
America conference (co-organized with M.B. de Souza Cortez)
“Using Digitized Herbarium Data in Research: A Crash Course”: iDigBio/BiotaPhy workshop presented at Annual Botanical Society of America conferences
2017 + 2018 Developed and presented “Community Phylogenetics” Module
2016 Assisted with workshop presentation and activities
2019 Learn – Discover – Lead Seminar Series Certificate (University of Florida, Office of Human Resource Services)
4 Modules: Project Management, Team Dynamics and Leading Teams, Effective Science Communication in the Internet Age, The Art (and Science) of Writing Effective Multiple Choice Questions
2018 “How to prepare your data for publication, and what to do with open data”
Presented by Canadensys and iDigBio in Vancouver, Canada (Nov 7-9)
Academic Service
2020 Reviewer for Diversity and Distributions, Applications in Plant Sciences
Departmental Service
2019-2020 Founding member of FLMNH Natural History Collections Club and Student Group
2019-2020 Biology Graduate Student Association: President
2019-2020 Graduate representative on Mentorship Committee
2018-2020 Established and coordinated BGSA Writing Group
2018-2020 Member of BGSA Mental Health Committee
2018-2019 Biology Graduate Student Association: Vice-President
2017-2018 Biology Graduate Student Association: Faculty Recruitment Coordinator
2016-2017 Biology Graduate Student Association: Seminar Committee Member
Society Service
2019-2020 ASPT Collections Committee – Student Representative
2019-2020 Member of organizing committee for SSB2020
2019 Contributor to BSA Student Newsletter
Community Outreach
2017-2019 Girls Who Code Club, Facilitator – Eastside High School, Gainesville, FL
Instructor for local high school club which meets once a week
2018 WeDigBio volunteer – Florida Museum, Gainesville, FL
Demonstrated and supervised public participation in Notes from Nature activity
2017, 2018 She’s a Scientist outreach event – Florida Museum, Gainesville, FL
Event for Girl Scouts: assisted girls with plant- and evolution-based activities
2016-2020 American Society of Plant Taxonomists
2016-2020 Botanical Society of America
2019-2020 Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
2017-2020 Torrey Botanical Society
2017-2020 Society of Herbarium Curators
2017-2020 International Association for Plant Taxonomy
2017-2020 Society for the Study of Evolution
2016, 2019-2020 Society of Systematic Biologists